University of Pennsylvania, Lauder House

PHILADELPHIA, PA | Lauder House, one of the University of Pennsylvania’s newest residential colleges, is a catalyst for the university’s northeastern gateway in Philadelphia. The project transforms the historic, but under-used Hill Field, creating an elevated public green, expanding the definition of a traditional campus quad. The result is both destination and thoroughfare, with a lifted lawn to play, study, and sunbathe along the well-travelled passage to the heart of campus. MVLA worked closely with Bohlin Cywinski Jackson from concept to final design to complete this residential precinct. Nestled below the lawn are dining and communal areas that share access to a residential courtyard, artfully balancing public, and semi-private spaces. The project manages stormwater with green roofs, biobasins, and porous pavement in the Courtyard, which functions as a sponge to slowly return rainwater to the ground and the nearby Schuylkill River.
2018 Potomac ASLA Honor Award Winner, 2017 Lauder House Awarded LEED Gold